Tuesday, July 12, 2011


My apologies to the avid fanbase of this blog. I've been trying to find enough interesting things that happen in Ottawa to constitute a fair blog about "MTLivin". Here goes:

Despite what I may or may have not said in the past, I ended up checking out two (and a half) things in the first week of Bluesfest. Here's the breakdown -

Skrillex: A. F*cking. Mazing. Mind bottling. #He seemed to be pretty into it too. Lost my shit at many points in the show, including but not limited to: 'RuffNeck Bass', 'Bass Cannon', 'Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites' and of course, the even-better-live "Cinema". Full points here.

Flashback to about grade 7 when I saw "Rise Against" perform before the Black Keys were set to perform. Cold, windy and rainy conditions unfortunately made my crowd flee to the secure, safe-haven of 'inside'. The duo went on after 45 minutes of rain delays and were apparently awesome. 'Lunchbag letdown' points though.

Hypnotic Brass Ensemble: Hypnotic, brass and gangster. These guys looked like they beat up your local band nerds and stole their instruments so they could make beats to rap over. All stereotypes aside, these 8 guys delivered a tight brand of hip-hop inspired blues-funk that made me wish I had seen the Roots on the night of Skrillex.

The "+" actually means
that you are legally
an entity of Google

In other news, in adding to my global online empire, I now have a Google+ account. For those of you who live near rocks (under rocks might be a little harsh for this one..they've been trying to keep it hush) Google Plus is Google's version of Facebook. It basically does the same thing as Facebook but in a more sophisticated and professional way. My call is that it's gonna be a little more business related/have a more mature audience than Facebook. Lemme know if you wanna get invited..it's in its testing stages so it's kinda super exclusive or whatever...

In new music news:
The Strokes just released a new video for their track Taken For a Fool off their latest album 'Angles'. Classic Strokes track - look for it to be in the greatest hits compilation right between 'Last Nite' and "that one that goes duhn-nun-duh-nuhn-duhn"

"You're so gullible but I don't mind, That's not the problem"

Another post to follow soon with another cool group...stay tuned

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